Change someone’s life forever with EDUFORCE
It costs money to send your son or daughter to school or into an ‘apprenticeship’ in Ghana and many parents cannot find this money on a regular basis. As a result, many children are not receiving any education or training at all – a situation that disadvantages not only the children, but also their communities and the future of Ghana as a developing country.
Many of the young women who live in villages become frustrated with their lack of opportunities and migrate to the cities to seek a ‘better’ life. Without any basic life, education or work skills they are vulnerable and often end up working as prostitutes, often becoming HIV positive or pregnant. We strive to provide such young students/women with basic educational & vocational skills so they can participate successfully in the local economy.
The annual cost of supporting a child into school or work is very little when compared to the costs in developed nations and a small, annual donation from one sponsor will ensure that a student can begin & continue his or her school/work career until graduation. If this isn’t possible, then a single donation can get her started in the system for a year. We will look for alternative funding beyond this point.
Our ideal donor is one who sponsors a student from her pramery school days through to his or her final qualification.
Such a sponsor will know that they have made a real difference to someone’s life and helped to shape their future beyond all expectations. Altruism on this scale brings its own rewards!
Many of the young women who live in villages become frustrated with their lack of opportunities and migrate to the cities to seek a ‘better’ life. Without any basic life, education or work skills they are vulnerable and often end up working as prostitutes, often becoming HIV positive or pregnant. We strive to provide such young students/women with basic educational & vocational skills so they can participate successfully in the local economy.
The annual cost of supporting a child into school or work is very little when compared to the costs in developed nations and a small, annual donation from one sponsor will ensure that a student can begin & continue his or her school/work career until graduation. If this isn’t possible, then a single donation can get her started in the system for a year. We will look for alternative funding beyond this point.
Our ideal donor is one who sponsors a student from her pramery school days through to his or her final qualification.
Such a sponsor will know that they have made a real difference to someone’s life and helped to shape their future beyond all expectations. Altruism on this scale brings its own rewards!
If you want to help EDUFORCE by making a donation, please send the money to the following account: